Our Services

We provide 1-1 business coaching specifically for business owners, directors, partners, or senior managers.

We also create and deliver training courses and workshops. Sessions can be tailored to suit the audience and the time available.

Building Your Vision and Culture

The Business Blueprint - maximise revenue and double profit by focusing on 5 key areas

Sales process development

Create a budgeted marketing plan

The value of TEAM

DISC behavioural profiling

Presentation Skills

Excellence in Customer Service

LinkedIn as a Business Development resource



Account Management

We often build training courses from the ground up and mix and match to meet client requirements. Drop us a line with your specific requirements.


With over 30 years experience in sales, marketing, and business development, Donald is passionate about helping business owners improve their performance; and the performance of their businesses. You will find we have experience in sales, management, team building, finance, training, business development, LinkedIn, system & process creation and change management.


Most business owners know what they need to do to be successful, however, life and work can get in the way. There are many distractions, both urgent and important. An external coach can be a sounding board who provides focus and above all accountability.

"Everyone needs a coach," Eric Schmidt, past CEO of Google

Business Coaching & Linkedin Training Scotland


Because with more successful businesses around, many more real opportunities are being created for others. Our focus is for you to Take Your Business to the Next Level.

Our coaching process can be enjoyable, often challenging, however at all times focused on the results that matter to you.

This, combined with tried and tested systems, strategies, and tools, will help you achieve success, whatever that means to you. Business Coach Scotland will only take on clients that we are convinced we can help.

Most business owners and managers are facing 3 main challenges:

  • Time (not enough of it to do what you know needs to be done)
  • Team (they want their team to be more productive)
  • Money (they want more turnover and profit)

My role as a performance coach is to help you in these areas of your business through guidance, support, and encouragement.

"Our only limitations are those we set up in our own minds" Napoleon Hill

Here is an example of a professional services firm we worked with, 3 partners and 12 on the team.

The business owners needed help rebuilding their passion in the business and moving from "working IN the business" to working "ON" the business. We worked with the partners and the team over 17 months and in that time, the business added over £100,000 to bottom line profit, they streamlined; then grew the team and freed up the partners to focus on the areas they enjoyed most. An additional outcome was a better work/life balance and higher earnings for the business owners.