LinkedIn for Sales - Half Day hands on Training

LinkedIn for Sales - Half Day hands on Training

22nd of November, 2019

Half Day Follow and Do Course, Glasgow City Centre

Dates TBC

Now that your LinkedIn profile is looking good, learn how to best use LinkedIn as a Marketing and Business Development resource

With nearly 25 million members in the UK and over 600 million worldwide, LinkedIn is a phenomenal repository of potential business connections, and a great platform for promoting your business proposition to your ideal clients.

The platform represents a massive opportunity to find; be found; and engage with customers, prospects and recommenders all over the world.

What LinkedIn can do for you and your business.
LinkedIn is great for creating visibility; and prospects need to know how you can help them.

-    Searching; find the right people in the right organisations, in specific geographic locations.
-    Engage, share information and insights, and all the time you're building rapport with prospects and referrers before you've even met them.
-    Showcase your work and expertise and become the %3FGo To%3F resource.
-    Validate your skills, share client feedback, testimonials and referrals.

What will this half day session do for you?

-    Raise your profile; understand the 3 ways to generate visibility for you and your business.
-    Learn how to target, find and engage your ideal clients with the most engaging content without writing a word!
-    Discover the 8 ways that LinkedIn offers you to grow your connections; the more connections you have the better, as long as they are the RIGHT connections.  
-    Learn rapport building strategies so that prospects are asking to connect with you.
-    Leave with a Business Development Plan detailing your LinkedIn activity for your next 90 days
-    Refreshments and workbook included.

Before you book; just think ..  what is one new client worth to you over a year or their business lifetime?

Your Investment is £129 per person, (Includes 90 day support and 2 x 1-1 coaching sessions) All costs are exclusive of VAT. 
Could LinkedIn Improve your Business Development Results?

To find out more, and to book, call Donald Munro on 078111 72724 or email [email protected]